Cuisine Companion Nasi Goreng @ Fried Rice

Cuisine Companion Nasi Goreng @ Fried Rice

This nasi goreng is made with Cuisine Companion.
Below are the methods I used to cook this nasi goreng in my cuisine companion. It 
serves 4 hungry tummies nicely. 

These photos are my own cooking experiences when cooking Cuisine Companion Fried Rice
The ingredients I used, you may notice salt in the photo, but I didn't even add any.

The eggs look like this after step 3.

keep the eggs in a bowl for later.

garlic before pulsing.

butter, sesame oil, and olive oil to sauté the garlic.

the prawns, chicken stock powder, soy sauce and chicken roll in the bowl.

prawns look like this after step 8.

the veggies in step 9

Step 10 : add rice, sauces, green onion and eggs.


served! :)
